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One platform to get you from 0 to hired
Whether you're in school or recently graduated, we can help you go from learning to earning quicker.
Our most popular tool
Job Tracker
Applying to jobs means submitting 12 unique applications on 13 different sites. Our Chrome Extension is one easy place to stay up-to-date on all your open applications.
AI LinkedIn Analyzer
Learn how to stand out on the biggest professional network with a in-depth breakdown of the text and pictures of your profile. Can you get 100/100?
Junior Job Board
Career sites are flooded with companies looking for 10 years of experience on a technology that’s 5 years old. Our job board filters out the fakes so you can find junior roles in tech.
New feature
Personalized support with the help of AI
Get the helpfulness of a human coach without the $500 price tag.
Start job searching the smart and fun way
Making the job search
fast, fun, and fair
Challenges and playful skill building to transform the job search
from a chore to an adventure
Login Streaks
Earn Career Points for logging in daily.
Defining attainable targets for messages sent and applications submitted make your hunt feel feasible.
Career Points Challenges
Increasing your score generally leads to increasing your chances of getting hired.
Weekly Rankings
Performing well determines your position in the employer talent portal. Who doesn’t like a little upside?
Chrome extension
Tools made for how you search

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Application Auto-Fill
Don’t type out your resume again. It’s one click to fill out job applications - in your face Workday.
Track Jobs
Easily save jobs from any job board on the web, so you never miss an opportunity to apply to you dream role.
Plug into Gmail
Generate emails with AI and track your messages to important contacts on your search.
Generate Answers
Automatically generate application answers based on your professional profile.