members GET HIRED at companies like
You need a reliable way to hire diverse tech talent
Without Prentus
Try 100 different talent sources to find who you need
Candidates don't answer because they're not active
Hiring events get small, disengaged attendees
Recruiters stretched thin across hiring tools
Manually schedule interviews and ATS updates
With Prentus
Discover and partner with new talent communities
Get 90% response rates from guaranteed active jobseekers
Share your event once and get 100s of engaged attendees
Use one tool to recruit from all your talent partners at once
Streamline interviews with Google Calendar & ATS integrations
Get your open jobs in front of the candidates looking for them
Instantly sync your company's posted jobs from LinkedIn or create one from scratch. Once posted, every matching candidate will get notified so you get applications flowing in right away.
LinkedIn sync to import jobs with a click
Automatically notify active jobseekers that match
Get your first applicant in less than 5 minutes
Find the diverse talent you need when you need them
Access talent across your community partners or the entire Prentus network. Filter by previous industry experience, office preferences, and more to find the perfect fit.
Search across community partners or the entire network
Sourced from people using Prentus - not scraped profiles
Diverse talent direct from bootcamps, non-profits, and more
Find developers, designers, SDRs, and other tech professionals
Fill up your pipeline with diverse tech talent today
Hiring tools that get you from "hello" to "hired" crazy fast
Streamline the recruiting process with the complete hiring toolset. Sync your calendar, integrate your ATS, and collaborate with your team to make the process smooth for everyone.
Hands-free scheduling using Google Calendar sync
Connect your Greenhouse, Lever, or Workable account
Share notes, chat with candidates, and schedule interviews in the candidate hub
Share and discover hiring events to engage candidates
Don't host another empty info session. Get your company events right in the inbox of 1000s of active job seekers each month. That way you can never complain of an empty candidate pipeline again.
Share one-time or recurring company events
Discover upcoming demo days from communities in our networkm people using Prentus - not scraped profiles
Boost your company brand with up and coming talent
Start growing a diverse tech team today
It's free to get started and you could start chatting with candidates in minutes.
Create a Free Company Profile
Sign up and quickly sync your company's LinkedIn profile to get set up in our system.
Partner with Communities
Browse and filter our network to find communities that meet your criteria. Then send a partner request to get access.
Diversify Your Team
Share jobs, attend events, and request interviews with candidates from your partners at scale.